Monday, December 22, 2014

My 15 Most Popular Posts in 2014

As the year draws to a close, we all come up with our lists of goals accomplished, books read, places visited, and of course, posts written. Here's a list of my most shared and tweeted posts in 2014. Jane Hart's list of Top 20 inspired me to put up my own. As also Helen Blunden's list of Top Posts...(Like Helen, November seems to be my best writing month too.)
  1. The Changing Face of Work and Workplace Learning (November 26, 2014)
  2. The Changing Nature of Workplace Learning (November 2, 2014) 
  3. Instructional Design in the VUCA World (December 6, 2014)
  4. Why Organizations Must Encourage Collaboration (November 5, 2014)
  5. Learning vs. Performance -- The Dichotomy (July 30, 2014)
  6. 21C Workplace Skills and L&D (July 16, 2014)
  7. MOOCs in Performance Support ( July 1, 2014)
  8. 11 Differences Between a MOOC and an Online Course (June 26, 2014)
  9. Heutagogy, Self-Directed Learning and Complex Work (March 10, 2014)
  10. From Courses to Micro-Learning (March 6, 2014)
  11. From Micro-Learning to Corporate MOOCs (March 7, 2014)
  12. L&D's Role in the VUCA World (November 19, 2014)
  13. Working Out Loud and Serendipity (November 21, 2014)
  14. Learned vs. Learners (November 25, 2014)
  15. Role of Community Management in Workplace Learning Today (November 22, 2014)

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Organizations as Communities — Part 2

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